PASB 2025, Uppsala, 19th -21st March
Pre-conference workshop: Learn how to use ActiPASS
( and Motus system
Date, time and venue:
Wednesday 19 March, 14.00-17.00
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 60, Uppsala
Registration & pre-workshop:
13.30 –14:00 Checking if ActiPASS is working in the computer and installing Motus app in the smartphone
Overall aim: Learn how to use ActiPASS software to process accelerometery data from the thigh and how to use Motus system to collect and process accelerometery data from the thigh.
1) To demonstrate how both systems were built
2) To demonstrate how to use ActiPASS software and Motus system
3) To discuss some remaining challenges
Learning objective 1: The participants will learn the basic principles behind the algorithms that are used to derive the physical behaviours, lie, sit, stand, walk, run, bicycle, walking stairs, and sleep from thigh worn accelerometers in ActiPASS and Motus.
Learning objective 2: The participants will learn how to use ActiPASS for processing data in batches
Learning objective 3: The participants will learn how to use Motus cloud platform for collecting and processing data
Learning objective 4: The participants will learn how to perform a quality check of their results and critically evaluate their results.
Target Audience: Researchers who are interested in, are planning to, or have collected data from thigh worn accelerometer that they need to process.
Workshop Team:
– Pasan Hettiarachchi (
– Nidhi Gupta (
– Tonje Pedersen Ludvigsen (
– Johan Sleman (
– Luiz A. Brusaca (
– Xuelong Fan (
– Christian Tolstrup Wester (